Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/11/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Ambiente virtual

The inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood education: challenges and possibilities for school management in the city of Macapá - AP.


School Inclusion; Educational Management; Early Childhood Education; Children with Disabilities.

PAGES: 175
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Tópicos Específicos de Educação
SPECIALTY: Educação Especial

This study addresses the inclusion of children with disabilities and specific needs in Early Childhood Education, focusing on the challenges and opportunities that school management faces in contexts of limited resources, carried out in two municipal schools in Macapá-AP. The objective is to identify the main obstacles in the inclusion process and offer contributions to strengthen the performance of school management. The methodology adopted is qualitative and integrates a bibliographic, documentary and field research. Questionnaires and open interviews were used as data collection instruments. The research explores the perceptions of managers, teachers of Regular Education and Specialized Educational Service (AEE), as well as parents, about inclusive practices and the importance of democratic and participatory management in this stage of Basic Education. So far, the questionnaires applied to teachers, managers and parents have been analyzed, so that the data point to the need for continuing education, resources and adequate strategies to meet the needs of students with disabilities and specific needs. The interviews with the managers, still under analysis, will add information to the discussion about the role of school management in the process of inclusion of the target audience of the research. As an educational resource, it is proposed a guide to support inclusive management, under development, aimed at guiding managers, educators and the school community in the acquisition of knowledge and in the practice of welcoming and accessible approaches. The expectation is that this study and the guide can contribute to a more inclusive school, in which each child is respected and valued.

Externa ao Programa - 2039588 - AMANDA ALVES FECURY - nullExterna ao Programa - 2010780 - ILMA DE ANDRADE BARLETA - nullInterna - 2269790 - MARIA DO CARMO LOBATO DA SILVA
Presidente - 2307011 - SELMA GOMES DA SILVA
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/11/2024 17:27
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