The Environmental Sciences are based on interdisciplinarity arising as Science for resolution and intervention in complex environmental and socioenvironmental problems that demand skills found in different areas of knowledge. The problems to be researched by Environmental Sciences are associated with social, economic and technological activities that have a significant impact on ecosystems, biodiversity and, consequently, on society. Knowledge from the Social Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Agrarian and Biology are essential to carry out analyzes of society, processes and management tools, the environment and its resources, generate and apply new technologies to create alternatives for environmental problems and socio-environmental. The Amazon is undergoing direct human intervention from deforestation to expand the agricultural frontier, logging, harmful exploitation of wildlife and flora for commercial and subsistence purposes, oil and gas exploration, major infrastructure works (roads, hydroelectric, pipelines) and alterations indirect effects of climate change with a future scenario of serious impacts on ecosystems. Biodiversity and human populations already established in the region (traditional communities and indigenous peoples), as well as those that have immigrated in the recent scenario, suffer impacts of different magnitudes and with complex and difficult forecasting consequences. The Environmental Sciences of the Amazon arise from the demands implanted by this scenario of great and rapid changes in the environmental and social field in this region. These problems of different magnitudes require studies that add knowledge in the social, environmental and new technologies that are consistent with the social and environmental mosaic intrinsic to the Amazon. Studies in the Environmental Sciences area of the Amazon are inherent to socio-environmental problems (occupation of forest space, spaces associated with aquatic, agricultural and urban systems), analysis and generation of tools and processes for management, survey and monitoring of natural resources arising biotic and abiotic components, biodiversity resources and their conservation, and the creation of new technologies and their application to make more efficient the use of resources and to mitigate human impacts on the environment. The objectives of research in this area are above all committed to the generation of knowledge, processes, tools and new technologies that enable decision makers, the state and society to react to problems through interventions aimed at sustainable development in the Amazon .